Yes, I did. I put Full Throttle S’loonshine Moonshine into a traditional, all American dish, and turned Apple Brown Betty right on her head. Why? ‘Cause I can, and that’s what I do! Purists – you have NO idea what you’re missing. The rest of you fun folks will love it. I had it for breakfast. And, I’ll probably have it tonight for a night time snack. I could, honestly, eat it for every meal.
I know you’re wondering, Betty? Who the bleep is Betty? According to The Oxford Companion to Food, there really was a “Betty”, and hence, the name of the dish. It’s been told that the “brown” was due to Betty’s last name (the naming of recipes after the human that created them was common during Colonial times) and not anything to do with the recipe itself. Some theorize that Betty was a slave (reminiscent of the “hush puppy” story), but it’s not known for sure (at least , not that I could find). What I found really interesting was the recipe was first published in the Yale Literary Magazine as “Brown Betty” in 1864.